For most people, rethinking their life path from time-to-time is a good idea, but for many divorcing individuals, they simply don’t have a choice. Redesigning Your Life offers help in planning that next life you want to create.
In this episode of Divorce Source Radio with Steve Peck, motivational speaker, consultant, and facilitator, Kathey Batey joins us from The Divorce Expo in Chicago.
Kathey is the author of Suddenly Single and creator of ReDesigning Your Life, a program designed to assist women and men who have gone through a divorce, death of a spouse, the “empty nest,” or any life transition. She is also a facilitator of Divorce Care, a faith-based, friendly and caring group of people that helps individuals going through divorce.
Is it time to review, revise, and reset your life, following divorce, death of a loved-one, or dissatisfaction with your life? Kathey shares how you can change your life, by changing your reaction to it. By Taking a more proactive stand and ceasing to react negatively to life’s many challenges, you can redesign your life for the better.