The Perfect Storm – Divorce, Emotions & Finances
The Perfect Storm – Divorce, Emotions & Finances This is a guest post for Kroon & Mitchell Integrated Tax and Investments inquire@kroon.us by Kathey Batey, author of Suddenly Single: Rebuilding Your Life after Divorce. Divorce is the perfect storm when major...
4 Financial Tips When Preparing for a Divorce
4 Financial Tips When Preparing for a Divorce By Phil Mitchell CFA, CPA Kroon & Mitchell Integrated Tax and Investments Kroon & Mitchell No matter how you look at it, divorce is never easy. It’s an emotional and financial roller coaster and many...
Some Truths and Aids I have found Helpful as a Divorce Person By Rod Williams
Some Truths And Aids I Have Found Helpful as a Divorced Person by Rod Williams Every bottom has a trap door, and if I make the choice to open that trap door and let something other than Jesus fill that “God shaped hole”, I can always sink to a new low. Listen to...
Interview with Shellie Tomlinson in Lousiana – Books Suddenly Single series
Discussing healing after divorce, the churches response, and other topics relevant to divorce.

Radio interview with The River – Oregon
Discussing many of the aspects of divorce, the children, the church and the devastation divorce can cause.